A comprehensive plan for dealing with man made or natural events should include specific instructions to organizations, building occupants, actions to be taken by facility management, and first responder notification procedures. S2 Consulting Services, LLC is capable of assisting you in the development of these plans.

Preventing incidents through good project planning, design, implementation and leadership is our primary objective. We also conduct thorough investigations of incidents to understand the root cause, share lessons learned and prevent future incidents. We work with organizations to enhance emergency preparedness by sharing best practices and developing industry-wide guidelines. Because we place great value on having trained and capable subject matter experts, we help you conduct training events and exercises. Lessons learned and best practices from key exercises are provided toyour internal emergency response community to further enhance our capabilities.

Have you developed a plan to protect your employees, lessen the financial impact of disasters, and re-open your business quickly? If not, contact S2 Consulting Services, LLC to explore resources and options.

S2 Consulting Services is alsocapable of conducting emergency preparedness assessments at your home, business or place of worship to aid in preparing for disasters. 

The goal of our assessments are to provide:

  • An outline for preparing your own disaster plan.

  • The necessary forms/examples for completing your disaster plan

  • Resources to aid you in exercising your plan